Many Sheepadoodle pups have gone on to live world famous lives. Contact me.
ContactPlease contact me to get on the waiting list.
or call (530) 513-0108
For very important info on why I have the happiest, healthiest Sheepadoodles, please read
Wanna see pictures? Click to see these amazing Sheepadoodle Pups
What is a Sheepadoodle?
Notable for their calm temperament and love of people, the Sheepadoodle makes a GREAT family dog.
"My wife Keila and I had been thinking about getting a dog for about a year and wanted one that does not shed at all. We did a bunch of research and it came down to either a yorkie or the sheepadoodle breed we found out about during our research. We found Kellie's site and kept going back to the pictures of the puppies. The more we looked at the pictures and the more research we did on the temperament the more we knew we wanted a sheepadoodle. We contacted Kellie and got to pick between the last two dogs, one male and one female. My wife loved how the female looked and at that point "Rachael Ray" came into our lives. During the process Kellie was extremely helping in not only communicating to us on how Rachael was doing before she was eight weeks old to the shots she was getting and to also giving us plenty of hints on the first few months we would have her. I live in Orange County, CA so we decided to drive up to Sacramento to pick here up. I met Kelli at the Sacramento Airport to pick up Rachael and got to also see Kellie shipping 3 of her brothers/sisters to other lucky individuals. I got to see first hand the care Kellie takes in ensuring the puppies will be taken care of during their trip as she prepared their crates, ensured they were nourished and reviewed everything with the airport employees. For the breed, my wife and I could not be any happier with our decision. Rachael is an amazing part of our lives and brings joy to us everyday. She is friendly to everyone and loves a good belly rub upon meeting someone new. When we walk her people I don't even know go "Hi Rachael" and don't even say hi to me! lol She is a beautiful dog with a great temperament. She plays great with both large and small dogs (even crouches down to get to the same eye level as the small dogs when playing!). We also found that she is a very intelligent dog and she became potty trained rather quickly. In fact, after about 3-4 weeks accidents became rare and now she doesn't have any accidents in the house at all. Take care,"
- From Dan and Keila
"Absolutely LOVE our Shepadoodle.....he is gentle, loving and smart....Kellie takes pride in her can't go wrong! He is not bell trained...we have a dog door and invisible fence. Kellie is very professional....if we were to get another we would go back to her."
- From Valerie
"We received a sheepadoodle from Kellie two years ago November. He arrived healthy and well adjusted. We live in New York City and Kellie shipped him on a direct flight to us. I have found Kellie to be an honest, reliable, responsible and humane breeder and would recommend her and her puppies to anyone. Our dog was easily crate, house and obedience trained. He is great with children, people and other dogs. He has a wonderful, playful, and loyal temperament and has become a beloved member of our family. A sheepadoodle, bred by Kellie, would be a wonderful addition to any family."
- From Denise
"A little update on Charlie Brown. This picture is right after having him shaved. He likes sitting on the tables at the park. He truly is the greatest dog ever. He's really smart and in 15 minutes I can train him to do anything. He's extremely gentle and won't hurt a fly. Even his bite is gentle. He has a rubber toy bone that when he carries it it slips out of his mouth because he's so gentle with it. He will never make a good guard dog because he likes people too much, I've only heard him bark twice. I had him weighed last week and he's 84 pounds. I feed him twice a day but unlike most other dogs when I put food in his bowl he could care less, he's more interested in hanging out with me. He's just a great dog, I couldn't have designed a better dog if I had to. I'll send more pics when I get home."
- From Matthew J. Oney
"Happy New Year!! I hope everything is well with you and your family, and that you had a nice Christmas. We are glad you liked our Christmas card. That picture was actually taken back in June when Shamrock was only 5 months old. Time has flown...I can't believe he will be a year at the end of this month. He is now 65 pounds and is starting to fill out. I am curious as to what his final weight will be. I saw in the scrapbook pictures that some of the dogs are 80 pounds! I can't begin to tell you what a great dog he is. He has been pretty easy to train and usually listens...he is still a puppy. He can be quite stubborn, so he fits right in! We have a pool and he loves to swim. He uses the pool more than we do. Last summer we had a bunny build a nest and have babies in our yard. Silly bunny! Shamrock found the nest and would lay in the yard and lick the tiny bunnies. After a few days, the mother bunny finally moved them. The hole is still in the yard and Shamrock occasionally puts his entire face in it, just to make sure it is empty. Last Monday we had a snow storm and Shamrock saw his first accumulating snow, about a foot. At first we thought we had a truly "California" dog. He would not go outside. He wanted nothing to do with the snow. Once he realized how fun and refreshing it could be, we could not keep him inside. He stayed out for hours and came in with ice balls in his fur. We will keep in touch from time to time and let you know how Shamrock is doing. We enjoy hearing from you too. It's nice that you follow your pups progress. Don't be surprised if we eventually get on your waiting list for another pup. We talk quite often about getting Shamrock a playmate."
- From Jeannie Murphy
"Buster a.k.a. "buddy" is the best dog I have ever had!!! He is dog number 6... He came to Minneapolis, MN when you aired him to me.... I will send some pics.... Can I have another Buddy?"
- From Thomas
"Sorry for such a delay in getting an updated photo of Newman. As you can see he's a handsome boy. I will send more later. Still thinking about a second one after we build our home next year. Thanks for providing all of us with such a wonderful gift. He's truly a good boy!"
- From Yvonne
"We have one of Penelope's Sheepadoodle puppies that was born 8/23/09. We had lost out 11 year old dog 1 year before when I saw the Sheepadoodle web site and I knew as soon as I read about them I wanted one. My son and husband told me I was crazy to send a deposit and questioned my sanity that I was on a waiting list for a puppy, site unseen. My sister has a golden doodle and she is awesome but I just knew this was the right dog for us!! I can't say enough good about Kellie !! Everything she tells you on her web site is true. She gives these puppies the best care ever. She kept us updated on the whole process and when it came time to pick your puppy she did it according to her list. We heard horror stories about shipping puppies from closer states than California and I didn't sleep for 2 days because I was so worried the puppy would be sick or dead from such a long trip. She knew the safest way to send her and she was perfect on arrival to Ct!! I have had dogs my whole life and this Sheepadoodle is the best dog I ever had!! She is so smart and just loves everyone {my 2 cats included}. Our grandson lives with us part time and it is such a love match between these two!! The whole neighborhood always has to stop to see her. The two questions we're always asked is "what kind is she and how big will she get". All of my family that kept telling me to" just get a dog , why are you waiting" now say "I'm so glad you waited"!! Our puppy and grand son are on Kellie's web site," Bessie and her boy". She looks like a panda bear!! Any future dogs for us will be Sheepadoodles and will come from Kellie!! My sister who has a golden doodle might also switch breeds to a Sheepadoodle from Kellie. She's also crazy about Bessie!! "
- From Joanne
"Thank you for the picture! We are doing great here. We named our puppy Truman, and he is such a joy. He fits perfectly into our family and everyone is attached already. Truman is already sleeping in his crate at night without complaint, is almost completely house-trained, and having a great time playing with the kids (his new littermates). Truman rode in my lap the whole way home (3 hrs) and was not car sick at all. He continues to be so cuddly. He had a vet appointment yesterday and, as you know, he is very healthy. He weighed in at 15.5 pounds! He had some Benadryl before his shots so he was a little sleepy, but otherwise no adverse affects from his shots. I will send you a picture of him with all the kids in a few days (our boys just came home from their dad's house for Easter). I want to thank you for being such an excellent breeder. Our family had a golden retriever who had to be put down a few years ago. We were very attached to him and couldn't bring ourselves to get another. When I began researching what other type of breed would be a good choice for our family, I came across your website. I was intrigued by the idea of all the wonderful characeteristic traits that would be blended by joining an Old English Sheep dog and a Standard Poodle. I began comparing your website to other breeders of sheepadoodles and have to say that you immediately stood out as the breeder of choice. Your care for the animals really shined through and your scrapbook highlighted all the familiies who benefited from your expertise (now ours can be added to the list). I waited nearly two years for Truman, and he has been worth the wait! You kept me informed through the whole process and provided picture and news updates of the litters. When the day came to pick up Truman, we already felt like we knew you and him because of all the interaction we have had. We were very impressed with the care you provided the pups, and felt confident that we had a very healthy, well-adjusted puppy. His transition into our home has been seemless, and we have you to thank. Thank you for your love, time and energy, and your commitment to providing excellent care. Your experience and dedication provided us with a new family member we will cherish for many, many years to come. For that you have our sincerest gratitude."
- From Yvonne Wadleigh
"Truman is an absolute joy and we love him soooo much!!! He is doing fabulous and is just so smart and funny - he truly has a wonderful sense of humor and fits right in with the other 5 kids! He has a vet appointment this Thursday so I will have to let you know what he is weighing in at but he is definitely the one of largest dogs in the neighborhood - not that we are bragging! :) He always gets compliments when he is out and about. Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to have such a wonderful family member! I hope all is well with you and the family....I know we will stay in touch because we may want a friend for Truman in a year or two with the older kids leaving home - he absolutely loves his siblings!"
- From Yvonne
"Kellie is not just a "backyard" breeder. She has outside and inside facilities for the puppies. They are kept in a warm, safe and peopled environment. Her property is clean and well kept. We met the mother dog. She was so friendly and calm - reminded me of my Maude D Frickert. The vet was pleased with her health and well being when he first examined her. As a sheepadoodle, Mika quickly understands when she is supposed to be calm and gentle. A characteristic of the breed. She instantly became super calm when I took her to my mother's assisted living facility. She calmly walked over to people in wheelchairs and lets them pet her. She had just been with us for two weeks when out grandchildren (ages 4 and 6) came to visit. She would calmly sit by them when they played quietly and loved to chase the balls they threw. When the time and place is right she can run like the wind. She loves to run and slide to a quick stop on the floors or sidewalks Mika is a still a puppy, but she is maturing every day. She is happy, joyful and loves to run and play. She loves to go for walks and will sit and wait until people have passed us when they are walking down our paths. I felt that as a big dog she needed to do that so she would not frighten folks or scare bicycle riders. She loves to play in the water and sits on the pool steps at her dog sitter's. She is part poodle so she needs to be cuddled, petted, loved and be part of the action. She loves to ride in the car. I think your family would love a sheepadoodle and Kellie is the only breeder I would recommend."
- From Marilee
"I am happy to sing the praises of Kellie as a breeder and Mika as a puppy (10 months old now.) Mika is a happy full of energy puppy who loves people and all other animals including cats. She plays with the larger dogs and the tiny Chihuahuas as tumbly or gentle as the size of her playmate allows. She is a favorite at the pet park. She can bounce and run like crazy, but when we need her to calm down and sit beside us she immediately does so. She often takes the quiet cue from our behavior rather than even having to say anything. Kellie is an excellent and responsible breeder. The mother receives excellent care before and after the litter is born. The puppies are treated with great care and supervision. We received notes about the pregnancy and the puppies as they grew with plenty of advice on what to do when we got home. Mika was a happy healthy little girl when we picked her up. Her only physical problems have been upset tummies after eating an artist paintbrush and a mysterious piece of plastic. Mika was not bell trained, but it would not take much to train her. She just learned to sit by the door and since we live in the desert the door was open most of the time so she could just sit and wait for us or go on out. I recommend Kellie as a breeder and a sheepadoodle as a wonderful pet, or as some of my friends call her a "Muppet." If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to send them to me. Regards,"
- From Marilee
"Hi there - wanted to give you a quick update on Mika - now 17 months old. Where ever we go we hear, "beautiful dog, so gentle for a big dog, so gentle for a puppy, love your dog, I just love to pet her soft hair, she plays to carefully with the little dogs getting down to their level, and my all time favorite - did you know she would be that big?" She has a new friend named Sadie, a 4 month old Old English Sheepdog puppy. They have so much fun together. It is interesting to note that Mika plays differently with Sadie than with other dogs. They run and wrestle and love to tumble - seems reserved for special friends - and runs and chases with the other dogs. Mika is a wonderful companion and friend. She helps my husband remember who I am and focus for just a bit when we go to visit him. His Alzheimer's has really progressed to the stage where it is almost impossible for him to distinguish between the real world and his "parallel universe" world. She brings him back to reality for a minute or two and calms him for a bit. Thank you for my very special puppy who thinks she is a lap dog and should be sitting with me in my big chair."
- From Marilee
"Kellie Boomer is doing great!! He is such a layed back, happy puppy and we are thrilled with him. He is almost potty trained, he can sit on command, and most of the time he will come on command. He just had a check up with our vet yesterday and she is in love with him too. He is starting to really love the snow and will try to bury himself in the deep stuff. It is pretty cute. We have been having a really bad cold snap here these last few days so Boomer has really been enjoying fetching a bouncing in our basement. He is getting pretty good at it too! We honestly could not have asked for a better dog. He is just a big fluffy ball of joy. Thank you Kellie!!"
- From Shannon P
"Thank you for reaching out. I'm traveling but will send you pictures when I get home. Here's the one I have on my computer. We absolutely ADORE Jake. He's the love of our life and our 3rd child. He's very close to both of our kids and has a different relationship with both. Gwen (6) he snuggles with. Liam (8) he wrestles with and I'm his Mom. We probably don't do enough to discipline him - he sits on the couch or I should say, he owns the couch. He's an absolute delight on so many levels. He's a kind cuddly teddy bear. We keep his hair long and get him groomed often. Again, more later. Merry Christmas and thank you again for giving us such a gift."
- From Vanessa
"I guess the best way to do this is from the beginning. I was out in my yard one afternoon when my neighbor Sharon came around the corner walking Jill's Briard. Now I've owned and seen plenty of dogs, but this one just was stunning. Needless to say, I ran her down to look at him. This happened several times over the course of a month or so and each time I went out to look at him I would tell her "If Jill ever needs to let the dog go, she better call me first". Fast forward a month or so and here she comes again with Albert...I run out and admire the Briard but the rest of the family goes nuts over this little black and white fuzzball Sheepadoodle puppy she's carrying. After everyone gets finished with the "aww...he's so cute" comments I let it be known that he's not all that and he's just another "little dog". As she was leaving, I kept telling her if she ever has to get rid of that Briard, I want him. Well, about a year later on a Saturday I hear a knock at the garage door and it's Sharon. She tells me that Jill just broke her leg and with her three kids needs to let one of her dogs go. Needless to say I was all excited and asked if it was Albert. Nope. The Sheepadoodle. I kinda remembered the day I first saw him and asked "isn't that the little black and white dog"? Yep. Since it wasn't the Briard, I told her that I wasn't sure because I already had a golden, two cats, two birds and a goldfish. She told me I really should look at him all grown up. I didn't want to be rude so I agreed to let her to bring him over. When she knocked at 15 minutes later I wasn't prepared for what I saw standing in the garage door. He was the most beautiful dog I've ever laid my eyes on. I let go of the doorknob and said let him in. She started with something like ... well you really should ... and I stopped her mid sentence and said I don't care what he's like and I don't care if anything is wrong with him. Let him in. He's mine. Ever since that day he's been a huge part of the family. Heck, he even has a job. I own a auto and truck accessory store and he's the official greeter. Heck, he even has a fan club. I have more than one customer that drops in just to give him treats and say hi. I have an unofficial waiting list 10+ deep of people that want him if I ever wanted to let him go, but that's never going to happen! If you check your records, I'm sure you sold one to one of my customers that saw him and he bought a female for his daughter. Jill named him Harry and we kept the name but you pegged it with "Tank". He wants to be the center of everything and he will move anyone or anything to get his way. He has his special way of twisting his body and knocking you around with his butt so he can put you where he wants you. It's Harry's way or no way. As for me, He and I are perfect for each other. He loves to wrestle so I chase him around the shop then let him attack me for about 5 minutes in the morning and afternoon. (I have a video of it I'll send) The neat thing about him is he's all "on"when we fight but he will immediately sit, shake and kiss when it's over. I could go on for hours but that's a pretty good synopsis of what he's like."
- From Dino
"Kodi is just over a year old and he is 40 pounds. He did very well on the plane ride (from California to Florida) and also loves to ride in the car. We had my daughter sleep with a baby blanket for a few weeks to get her scent on it and then sent it to Kellie to put in his cage for the plane trip. He still has a lot of puppy in him, he has a lot of energy and needs to keep busy. He was easy to housebreak and is very smart. He does not shed - my husband has allergies and loves sheepdogs - so he was the perfect choice for us. He is absolutely the cutest puppy we have ever seen... Kellie is very easy to work with, sends you pictures and keeps you updated on the puppy`s progress until he is old enough to be sent to you. We still keep in touch with her and send her pictures of Kodi every once in awhile."
- From Mary
"Just wanted to say we are still enjoying Newman to the fullest! He is still surprising us with his antics, it`s so adorable to see him make a decision, you can tell he`s contemplating :) I haven`t weighed him lately but guessing he`s about 70-ish or so pounds. He fits well with us and the extended family. At times we think another would be a good idea so you may hear from us again in the future :) "
- From Yvonne and Jeff
"Things have been very hectic since Floppy came home and we are just now getting the hang of balancing all of it!! Things are going very well at home and you are definitely right, he is a very handsome boy!!! He is also becoming very sweet and snuggly (in the beginning he wasn't into snuggling as much). I must admit that we did struggle a bit in the beginning with Floppy. Since neither Eric or I had ever had a dog before it was a real learning experience for us and as you know, raising a pup is a lot of work. Now we are in more of a routine so things are going much better! A few things about 7 month old Floppy... housetraining was probably the easiest of all of the training. He picked it up right away and is still ringing the bell when he needs to go out. We did use the crate (and actually still crate him at night and when we are not home) and I think that helped A LOT! He is definitely a smart boy which helps with the training in general. We took him to puppy kindergarten classes and to "puppy social hour" as soon as he had all of his shots and that helped him in regards to socialization. We just started the second round of training classes (general obedience training classes) on Monday and he did GREAT!"
- From Shari
"Kodi is a fantastic puppy and a great family dog. He is a big clown with a great personality and is VERY friendly to everyone he meets. People just melt when they see him. He is so smart that he graduated 2 weeks early from his puppy class! He does not shed at all. My husband has allergies and does not have any problems with Kodi.
Kodi's vet told us that he is very impressed with his health and personality. He also told us that he expects Kodi to be from 25 to 35 pounds.
Our miniature sheepadoodle, Kodi, is 4 months old and is a delight! He is very healthy, extremely smart and has a great personality. He is friendly and loves to meet new people and their pets. Everyone says he is the cutest puppy they have ever seen! He does not shed and my husband, who has allergies, has had no problem with Kodi. He is also great with my 10 year old daughter.
I wanted to pass along some nice things Kodi's vet said at his last visit. He said Kodi has a fantastic personality and is extremely healthy. He said he does not impress easily and he is very impressed with Kodi. Thanks again."
- From Mary
"I have only good things to say about our puppy. We received our mini sheepadoodle male on November 8, he was born on August 28, and he was 13 pounds on arrival. At 13 weeks he was just over 19 pounds. The vet thinks that he'll probably be 40 pounds at maturity. We did pick the bigger of the two puppies. He is becoming more gray as his coat grows out and we believe that he'll be gray and white at maturity. He has a lovely temperament, was very easy to house train (about a week). This was done under adverse conditions, for the dog, as we live in an apartment in Manhattan. This means that he has to get into the elevator, go down 8 floors, through the lobby and outside before he is able to relieve himself. We attempted the puppy pads but he just shredded them. He was also very easy to crate train, which we only use through the night. He gets along great with people, children and other pets, especially dogs. He's a medium energy puppy which is great for apartment living. The one thing I regret is that I failed to request to NOT have his tail docked. That is a personal preference but we miss a waging tail. The puppy arrived healthy and appeared not to be too traumatized by the cross country flight. We chose a sheepadoodle because my son is allergic to dogs. He has not had any reaction to the puppy except for complete joy. The puppy doesn't shed. I found Kellie to be honest, reliable and a responsible breeder. She kept us updated with e-mails and photographs from the time of birth until she shipped him to us. Kellie followed up to make sure that the puppy arrived safely and still keeps in touch with us. We are constantly stopped by people inquiring about the puppy. One day I was approached by two NYC Police Officers who wanted their pictures taken with the puppy using their cell phones. We belong to an informal puppy play group and he socializes well with the other dogs. Overall it has been a wonderful experience, except for the late night walks in the pouring rain, and we would highly recommend a mini sheepadoodle puppy, bred by Kellie, to you and your family."
- From Denise
"Thanks again for the info from the crate training video. Things are going ok today, but I must admit it has been a little rough! Floppy is doing great in regards to potty training outside, but today he discovered the leaves and the grass that are in our yard. Not to mention some little white stones which we have in our walkway (I hated these stones before and now I REALLY hate them). I have had a very hard time keeping him from chewing on the leaves and trying to eat the grass. So it has made potty time very stressful. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about the leaves in the yard as it is fall here and as fast as we rake them and bag them, they are back in the yard the very next day! I forgot to mention that twice already floppy has hit the bell with his nose. One time to tell us he had to go and the other before he went out . Thanks again for the crate training advice, please feel free to keep the advice coming!"
- From Shari
Lennon is amazing - he is seriously the most mellow, loving dog. I can't imagine life without him. Max is doing amazing and loving his new family. He and Lennon played last week and we are actually meeting him at the dog park tomorrow. Max and Lennon fell in love immediately and played for hours!!! It was soooo cute! Lennon is soooo soft and such a cuddler. We literally can't walk 20 feet without being stopped. I give your website out at least once a day. When is the next mini litter due? I love how white they are. Its the perfect compliment to Lennon and his black mane :) Glad you like the pic! We are so in love with Lennon - you've changed our life forever and we can't thank you enough. He makes us so happy.
- From Katie
"Boomer is a little over ten months old and is just a joy! He continues to grow and mature with each passing month and currently weighs about 60 pounds. His temperament continues to be gentle, playful and very attentive and he seems to keep track of who's in the house and where everyone is located (I wonder if that's part of the herding instinct from his mother the Old English Sheepdog). He is also very intelligent and was fairly easy to train. We taught him how to ring a bell (the bell hangs on a cord on a door handle) to indicate when he needs to go outside which he continues to do. We installed an invisible fence, which is really a great thing because it allows him to run as much as he wants, watch out rabbits and squirrels! The training for the fence went exceptionally fast.
One thing he does not seem to like very well, but tolerates, is the crate. I tried my hardest to get him to like it, but he wants to be with me constantly. This dog is my shadow and rarely leaves my side. When he was a young puppy I had to literally sit down so he could get some sleep! I was waiting for separation anxiety to become an issue, but it never did. He seems to really need a lot of human contact every day, but that's all he knows. We have a very busy household and someone is usually home so he gets a lot of attention and love. He is a great companion and very loyal not to mention a good watchdog. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body, but will always bark when someone comes into the house.
A few other things you might want to know; he does not shed at all and has very, very little odor even when his hair is wet. I was hoping for this and got it. I'm keeping his hair fairly short because as he's maturing his hair seems to be getting a little curlier which makes it prone to matting. The groomer suggested combing his hair four times a week and above all keeping it on the shorter side. The hair continues to be very soft and I hope it stays that way.
In closing, Boomer has really brought so much fun and joy into our lives and is truly a part of our family. Thank you Kellie for all the effort you have so lovingly put into your Sheepadoodle business and thanks especially for keeping in touch with us. I know each and every one of your puppies is special to you."
- From The Andersons
"Get your name on the waiting list ASAP!! We absolutely LOVE our puppy. If you look on Kellie's website you'll see Polar from Wisconsin. That's our girl! She is the sweetest, smartest most well behaved dog I've ever had. She catches on to everything quickly! Polar was born on FEB 14th '08 from Porsche's litter.
She is in excellent health and has an excellent temperament. Our children are 8 and 9 years old. She plays gently with our daughter but knows that she can be more rambunctious with our son. Polar and our son are almost inseparable. Polar loves her family but doesn't seem to get upset when we're gone for a few hours. We do crate her when we're gone...mostly for her safety until she's older.
We have an older Bichon that Polar likes to 'lead' around by the collar or leash. Their favorite games are tug of war and catch me if you can!
We have just enrolled her in puppy classes and she's the star student! I'm amazed at her intelligence. I wish my husband were that easy to train!! :-)
I was not able to visit Kellie in California but I always felt very comfortable with her as a breeder. I know she loves and cares for each one of her puppies from just talking with her via email. Kellie will always keep you updated on your puppy's progress. Polar arrived happy, healthy and clean. On our way home from the Milwaukee airport, Polar cuddled up beside my daughter for a snooze. She whined in her crate the first night or 2 but adjusted quite well after that. Polar now sleeps in our bedroom...going from the bed to the floor depending on her mood. She has not had any accidents during the night. :-)
I would absolutely adopt another Sheepadoodle....especially from Kellie. "
- From Laurie
" I am having good luck during the night. Max sleeps in a crate and makes a few noises of whining but no more than I would expect. He has never barked in the house. We are working on potty training. Trying to teach him to go in a area of the yard. No accidents in the house yet but I wait until he has done his business first before I will let him inside and I take him out often. I do not let him stay in the house as much until he gets this."
- From Karen
"The disposition of our little doodle-girl is different than any dog I've ever had, quiet, sweet, but hard to read.
Regarding sleeping. I kept a 'Mama Blanket' in w/Bella, Kellie was kind enough to either put my blanket in w/the litter, or give me a piece of the litter blanket...that helps! I've done this w/4 dogs, and it works well. I also have used a wind-up clock with other dogs, but Bella didn't need it. I also let her sleep in an old wool sweater that was my husband's. I think the coziness helps, and she loved her crate."
- From Jennie
"We are so in love with Striker! I had him to the vet today and he got a clean bill of health. He will get his shots next week. Housebreaking is going to take time.....He sleeps through the night - we take him out at 5 a.m. He is just the cutest and cuddliest puppy ever!"
- From Striker's Family
"Max is doing well. He is sleeping in the kennel at night in the house. He does not cry at all. He is a good puppy. I have not seen any chewing...but I give him toys to play with and he likes this. He has not had any accidents in the house yet. He seems to understand commands when I take him for walks. I need to get him around other dogs so he will not forget to be friendly around pets. He is happy when my grandsons visit."
- From Karen
"We have had great luck with Cali. She took about 3-4 weeks to really train but we have had no accidents and she always loved her crate. We just tried to let her sleep upstairs with the family but she ended up back in her crate. She seems happy there in the night. We have just installed an invisible fence. She is still in training and has had a few corrections but seems to be catching on.
Cali has been a fun and wonderful addition to the family. She loves everyone and always wants to play."
- From Cheryl