About Sheepadoodles & Me
Welcome to My Sheepadoodles
I have put my heart and soul into these dogs and have been in love with both breeds for many years. Please read this entire page carefully if you are serious about owning a Sheepadoodle. They truly are the best dogs you will ever own. I have had so many people tell me that they unlike any other dogs they have ever owned. Now that they have one, they would never get any different kind of dog. I'm Partial to My Babies
In 2004, God gave me the idea of crossing my Old English Sheepdog with a Standard Poodle to create a Sheepadoodle. At the time, there were no other breeders on the internet. I prayed about it for a year and consulted with my veterinarian about it. He thought it was a great idea. I purchased a Standard Poodle from a local breeder and the end result was amazing! These puppies are the cutest, most lovable puppies in the world... but I guess I'm a little partial to my babies.
The Process
I assist moms in birthing and raising their puppies. There is a lot of time and effort that goes into raising puppies. I don't mind though. Starting at a young age, I like to get the pups used to being groomed. Doing this makes it easier for you, the new owner, and their new groomers (once you get them home). There have been so many times that I am called to go groom a pup that is 6+ months old whom has never been professionally groomed and they are very frightened by the whole process. I want Grooming to be a good, relaxing experience for your dog. I also make sure to give them lots of kisses and hugs during the whole process so that they will not be frightened. I talk to them and hold them close to reassure them that they are safe so that by the time they leave here, they will know what the grooming process is all about. Your new groomer with thank you for this!
Not a Puppy Farm
I am not like most breeders, nor am I a puppy farm. I ONLY breed Sheepadoodles to ensure that these puppies have the best start in life that they can have. Puppy farms are dirty, smelly places that have too many dogs to really be able to take care of them. I don't cut corners by docking tails or removing dew claws myself, and I don't Medicate or vaccinate my puppies myself in order to save money. I want you to know that you are purchasing a puppy that has had the best medical care I can provide for him or her.
Breeding Practices and Health
I do not breed any other dog breeds other than Sheepadoodles. All puppies are birthed and raised inside my home in extremely clean conditions. They are not allowed outside until they have been vaccinated at 6 weeks. They will need a second vaccination at 9 weeks and every 3 weeks after that. Your Vet will determine when last shot should be given. This is for health reasons. I never take any chances with the health and well-being of my puppies. I suggest you wait until your pup has been given at least 3 sets of shots before you begin to take your pup to public places. I never let my pups walk on the ground unless they are at home. When going to the Vet's office, I always either carry them, have them in a basket, or in a crate because sick dogs are in and out of a Vet's office daily.
Socializing Sheepadoodles
All puppies are socialized from birth with myself and my children. When the puppies are old enough they are allowed outside for short periods of time to play with each other and all the adult dogs. Important social skills are learned by being allowed to play with mom, dad, and siblings. This helps them to become better dogs when they are grown. I also introduce them to my other OE Sheepdogs and Standard Poodles. My adult dogs love all the animals I have ever introduced them to. The Sheepdogs just want to lick them all over because they are so loving by nature. In all the years I have been breeding, I have never had a pup turn out aggressive. They are very loving by nature and are happy to meet new people and make new friends at the dog park.
The pups are shipped at 8 weeks of age. This is the best time to transfer a young pup. If you take a pup away from its litter-mates before this time period, say at 5 or 6 weeks, it misses a very important part of its life where it learns to socialize and play with its litter-mates. This is the time in a puppy's life that it learns how to be a socially acceptable member of the animal kingdom. Pups that are separated from their litter-mates too soon, often grow up to be aggressive toward other dogs. My suggestion to you, the new owner, is that you also carry on the practice of socialization.
What do I feed them?
One of the most important things for a puppy is nutrition. I don't cut corners with their food. Trust me when I say that it would be so much cheaper for me to feed my adult dogs and puppies cheap dog food. I won't name any names, but if you can purchase it from your grocery store, it''s NOT a good dog food. Store-bought brands are full of fillers and non nutritional ingredients that are of no benefit to the health and well being of your dog. Store bought dog foods are equivalent to humans eating fast-food. Have you ever watched Fast Food Nation? If you have, it will make you think twice about eating it again or feeding it to your kids, whom you love! As a dog groomer, I constantly come across pets with skin problems and I believe that 95% of all skin conditions can be controlled and healed by good nutrition. When feeding cheap, store-bought dog food, you have to feed them more because they are empty in nutrition. Because of all the non-nutritious fillers, this causes large smelly poops. When feeding a highly nutritious food, such as Life's abundance, you will feed less and poops will be firm and smaller with less smell. Proper nutrition will also show in the condition of the coat. The coat will be soft and silky, which also helps to prevent their coats from matting as quickly.
Want a Sheepadoodle?
My Standard size Sheepadoodle range from 50 to 85 lbs. They will need professional grooming, just as their parents do. Their coats are soft and they do not shed. No one has ever had a problem with allergies. These puppies are sold under the agreement they will be spayed or neutered and never used for breeding. If you ever decide you can no longer keep your pup, you must contact me and either make arrangements to send your pup back to me at your cost or let me help you find a suitable new home for him/her.
A WARNING to Buyers
BEWARE of Breeders that are breeding several different breeds and trying to sell their puppies at low prices. When I first started thinking about breeding Sheepadoodles there were no other Sheepadoodle breeders to be found on the Internet. Since I've started, there are more popping up every day... so keep in mind that you will get what you pay for as far as health and quality in a puppy. Shipping Puppies Every customer is welcome to come to our facility to pick up their pups, but the majority of our customers live too far away and are too busy to do this. Therefore the majority (98%) of our pups are shipped to their new home by air freight. We have yet to experience our first serious problem in shipping our pups air freight. If a pup stays with it's litter-mates too long (after 9 or 10 weeks), they become too dependent on other dogs instead of humans. This simply means that they do not bond as well to humans as they could have. Occasionally a pup will have to stay longer than 8 weeks. This usually happens because the airlines will not accept dogs for shipping because of extreme temperatures. When it is below 10 degrees outside or above 85 degrees in the summer, they will not ship. Boarding Occasionally, new owners need me to keep pup a little longer. When this happens, we separate the pups from other dogs and put them in a dog yard or a private dog kennel by themselves. These pups get additional daily attention. There is a daily fee of $15.00 for boarding. If you decide to board and too much time passes, shipping charges may increase as the puppy gets older and gains more weight. Should this happen, the additional shipping charges will be applied to the total cost.